Wednesday, January 11, 2006

With Cece @ The Curve

That's Cece posing at our stall in The Curve's Weekend Market last Saturday. My half of the table looks kinda overloaded and see Cece's stuff? *pointing to Cece's necklaces and earrings on the right* She got her stuff from Korea and China. Oh, and she reads palms for $5. Cheap!

PureMoon will be at The Curve, sharing a table with Cece dear, on Saturdays only. For now I'm only selling the accessories I made myself. Am thinking of selling my belly dancing stuff there too... Oh, Cece will be there on Sundays as well with another chick, Tati, if you wanna check out her stuff and/or get your palm read.

We'll be allocated a new spot each weekend at The Curve (at the Street where all the cafes and restaurants are) so I really can't tell you where we'll be, but I suggest looking around the outskirts as we're really new to the market so of course the management will stick us in some god forsaken corner. I'm not complaining. That's just how it goes.

Hmmm... Mont Kiara's management has changed the ABC market's arrangement... kind of like the Curve's me thinks. Now, all vendors under the same category (Fashion and Accessories, Arts and Crafts, etc.) will be grouped in the same area and we'll only know our stall position on Sunday morning itself. *points up to paragraph above* See? Like the Curve, no? Anyhoo, PureMoon's under Fashion and Accessories so you'll find us at the front of the Plaza somewhere between McDonald's and Starbucks. I've got a pink table cloth so be in the lookout for that... and butterflies.

Last week was kind of crazy... Mont Kiara's Fiesta Night on Thursday, The Curve's Market on Saturday and my usual spot at Mont Kiara's ABC Market on Sunday. If you'd like to read me being cantankerous, head on over to my
blog at Xanga. Had a bad blogging day so bear with me.

Have finished tagging all my *NEW*NEW* hip scarves and accessories, so once I corner my bf to help me take the pictures, I'll post it up. I promise. Cross my heart. Hope you'll come back soon!



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