Sunday, October 22, 2006

Eid Mubarak

Selamat Hari Raya in advance to all fellow Muslims!
May all your ketupat and rendang dreams come true, and most importantly: my sincerest maaf zahir dan batin.
loosely translated as "I seek forgiveness for all my physical and spiritual sins"

My tastebuds are excitedly anticipating my Aunt's famous ketupat.
Trust me, she makes killer ketupat of the exotic variety.
Pulut Hitam to those who know.
OooooOoo, can't wait for the sighting of the new moon!
Anyways, here are some ketupat weaving and making instructions (of the normal variety) for a little piece of authentic Raya from this part of the world.

l - r: Ketupat weaving, Steps 1 to 3. Click on image for larger pictures.

Here's how you make the ketupat filling:
The ketupat casings that you have just woven are filled with uncooked rice at the top opening of the casing. It is filled two thirds or three quarters full. The more water absorbent Chinese rice is preferable to the Thai variety as the Chinese rice makes a more compact ketupat and the texture of the ketupat is also smoother. A whole bunch of filled ketupat is then put into a big pot of water and boiled for about 3 hours. The ketupat are then cooled. Serve ketupat cut across diagonally twice with the casing still intact. Remove the casing after cutting. Ketupat are traditionally served with Sayur Lodeh, Serunding, Sambal Tumis, Soto or Satay. Because of the long hours of boiling, the ketupat will keep well and may last a few days even without refrigeration

The finished product! Yummy!

Click here to find out more about Hari Raya or Eid al-Fitri.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting a ketupat making guide. ^^ I'll need to try a few times before it'll look good i think.

Found your website by chance while looking up on ketupats and I must praise you on your designs! They are really one of a kind! I've been to the Curve's market a few times and I THINK i recognise your stall. Would love to buy some of your products but I'm not in m'sia now T_T.. Maybe next year when I come back for summer hols! Hope to see you then!
p.s.- You should really try selling your stuff on ebay. They would REALLY sell.

12:08 AM  
Blogger Murni said...

sorry for the late reply as i haven't been checking my comments lately but thank you very kindly m'dear. ^-^

i'm still trying to figure out paypal so that i can start selling online but i'm stumped. *sigh*

anyways, hope your ketupats came out alright. hehehe

9:32 PM  

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