Monday, July 30, 2007

Stray Dog lovin'

I'm taking time off my hectic schedule to share with you a website I stumbled on today that left me charmed and delighted... and wishing my online shopping budget could accommodate a purchase from this website (I cringe just thinking about the shipping costs to Malaysia).

Do check it out anyways:
Stray Dog Designs. They sell furnitures and fixtures made in Mexico (sold in the US of A, so if you're from there I'm very, very jealous) and everything is colorful, whimsical and totally unique. Just the way I like it.

Oh, and read how Stray Dog Designs was inspired by a, what else? A stray dog! How appropriate! I was already charmed by the products but the story about La Princessa totally sealed the deal. I'm going to send them an email now and try to get me one of these lamps and maybe this and this.



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