Thursday, October 18, 2007

I've Been

Listening to Janis Joplin's "Piece of My Heart" over and over again. I love the emotion and rawness of her voice. And it's such a great song to sing out loud to my dogs. They haven't felt the urge to join in yet though.

Reading "Suite Francaise" by Irene Nemirovsky. I'm at mid-book and so far it's been an easy read, touching and charming in its details. Yup, this is a book I'd recommend to anyone who loves their fiction tinged with a little insight to historical events.

Coveting this print on the left from the Yumi Yumi Shop. This print entitled "Make a Wish" is innocence and simplicity personified in my humble opinion. Love the yellow dress especially and the flushed pink cheeks just slay me. Do check out the rest of this wonderful artist's work at the link above.

Craving for some Cuppacakes (yes, that's the correct spelling). Too cute to eat? Almost but not quite. Royal Vanilla in the signature Secret Garden design for me please, thank you.



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