Monday, December 18, 2006


Gaea was inspired from a recent toga party.
No, I didn't actually go to one but saw it on TV...
Yes, I do realize that sounds kinda pathetic -_-

Anyways, Gaea was snapped up the moment I put it up on display at my stall and I've a few orders to recreate it.
Not so pathetic now huh? He he he.

Here's a little trivia for you (stolen from this site):
Gaea, or Mother Earth, was the great goddess of the early Greeks. She represented the Earth and was worshipped as the universal mother. In Greek mythology, she created the Universe and gave birth to both the first race of gods (the Titans) and the first humans.

Gaea was wire wrapped with 2 different sizes of wire. It took me 2 days of sketching and a full day at the workshop to come up with this design! Whew! Retails @ RM54/US$15.50

:: Click here to buy Gaea!
:: See more handmade PureMoon products here.



Blogger jbird said...

Love those earrings! Have you found Sharilyn Miller's "Bead on a Wire" book in Malaysia yet? Great book on wire work if you like these kind of spirals...I just took a class from her in Louisville, Kentucky, was awesome! I like your blog!

2:13 PM  
Blogger Murni said...

Thanks Stacie! I love that you love my earrings and blog! ^_^

I have yet to come upon Sharilyn Miller's work but sounds like you had fun at her workshop! I'm so envious. I'll be sure to look out for her book in the future. Thanks for the tip!

11:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just stop by and wondered by this awesome piece of art !

12:19 PM  

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