Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Egyptian Maybe

This is Masika which means born during the rain in Egyptian. I actually took a longer time than usual coming up with a name because all the Malay names I could think of somehow didn't fit... My mom solved the problem by just taking one look at it and simply said, "it looks very Egyptian." Well, that explains it! Hence the necklace was christened Masika as an ode to the rainy season we've been having here in Malaysia.

I taught this piece to my Level 4 students as the grand final project (Level 4 being the very last level) and I must say that I'm really proud at how far they've come... they didn't even bat an eyelash when I presented this piece to them whereas before if I so much as mentioned a weaving project everyone would collectively groan! *proud beam* I think I'm going to miss this batch of students very much...

Anyways, Masika is not for sale (sorry). She will be residing at Sophia as a show piece but if you'd like a remake, do email me. Masika was made with loads of bronze seed beads, 4mm synthetic pearls in bluish green and 4mm Swarovski crystals in Olivine and Blue Zircon.

Mandisa, however is for sale. Meaning sweet in Egyptian, Mandisa is a fairly large piece and I think, very glamorous. Made entirely by accident as I was trying out a new kind of weave, I'm totally in love with this piece but it takes simply ages to finish... ah well, I suppose all good things come to those who are wait eh? Too bad I'm not very patient. Heh.
Mandisa is made with gold seed beads and 4mm Swarovski crystals in Vintage Rose. Retails at RM55/US$16.

:: Click here to buy Mandisa
:: See more handmade PureMoon goodies here

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